

  • What are the deadlines set out by the charter?
  • Which deadlines have been met, and which haven't? Why or why not? 


  • Who has city gas cards, and what do they spend?


Land and housing

  • How many units of public housing are there in Detroit? Where are they? What is the demand? 
  • Community centers -- where are they, when are they open, who goes there? (open hours being the key -- kids activities reportedly closed after schools)



  • Who has bought DPS properties, and what did they pay?
  • When was each closed school closed?



Open Cities meeting

What cemeteries are owned by the CoD, and who has related contracts?

MSHDA. Reports etc.

Detroit Housing Commission. What mandatory information do they have to file?

School report cards from the state (federally mandated info)

Data sources: - Animal Control incidents

- DPS Police blotter

- EPA incident reports for businesses

- IRS 990s -- what big foundations gave to whom (and why)

- Federal Court has an online docket

  • DDOT bus ramps
  • Locations of child neglect / abuse reports

In Chicago, Aldermen have to file these: All 50 aldermen on the Chicago City Council had to file paperwork with the City Clerk detailing their outside income and gifts in 2009. These documents are presented here. Under the city's ethics ordinance, aldermen are required to disclose outside jobs. They also must reveal if they or their spouse made at least $5,000 from any entity that did business with the city or a related agency, including the CTA and the Chicago Park District. Aldermen also must disclose capital gains of more than $5,000, interest in real estate other than their home, and gifts worth more than $500.

Who's Who: http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/the-police-torture-scandal-a-whos-who/Content?oid=1921960

- What else do we know about these addresses? http://www.detroitmi.gov/DepartmentsandAgencies/MayorsOffice/ResidentialDemolitionProgram/tabid/2992/Default.aspx