Kurung, 2nd from the left in back row, pictured with Ray Brook State Hospital staff.
Courtesy of Dr. Ben Fruhlinger Collection, TCR #124
Born: January 2, 1900

Died: June 10, 1981

Married: Eunice Hall, Viola Kurung

Joseph M. Kurung entered the New York State Hospital at Ray Brook as a patient in 1920. According to an undated newspaper article by Bill McLaughlin, Kurung was the chief lab technician and microbiology photographer there from 1923 to 1965, when he retired from the staff. According to Dr. Ben Fruhlinger, he did work on fungi and isolating the streptomycin cell, along with the Rockefeller Institute. He was also responsible for an exhibit highlighting the changes in the physical environment of Ray Brook, from 1904 to the 60s. His manuscript, entitled "Ray Brook 1904-1954", documenting years at the hospital, has remained unpublished.

"Duck pond with Viola Kurung taken by her husband Joseph Kurung at Ray Brook, NY". Courtesy of Dr. Ben Fruhlinger Collection, #TCR 124Kurung Pond on McKenzie Pond Road was likely named for him. He is buried in Pine Ridge Cemetery

