The Minstrel Review was put on by the St. Bernard's Club in the early 1930s.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, February 9, 1956

Remember . . . When the St. Bernards' Club presented their "Minstrel Revue" at the Pontiac Theater? It was directed by Happy Benway, now up at Will Rogers, and among the familiar names that took part were Fred Goodrich, Eugene Keough, Ted Passino, Albert Pozzi, Tim O'Hara, Dudley Turner, and Phil Collins. Also Del Oldfield, Ted Gebo and Joe Asselta, who handled the vocals. And Russ Kelly and Andrew Maloney.

The program states that is was presented on Wednesday, April 29 but doesn't give the year. However, an ad suggested that you "Play Tom Thumb Golf" at 123 River Street and M.M. Munn and Co. were jewelers and opticians at 22 Broadway, John A. Gallaway had the Chevrolet Agency; and Talbot and Wylie were handling the Hudson and the Essex [automobiles]; so it might give you an idea.