

Married: Gabriel Manning ?

Children: Estella E. Manning, who married William A. Martin

Mrs. Gabriel Lathrop Manning, whose first name was apparently Sarah, was the daughter of Azel Lathrop, and one of the first teachers in Saranac Lake; she taught in many of the early schools— the first one, the "school in the Pines", the next school, near her home on the road to what would become the Trudeau Sanatorium, and later at Bloomingdale, Vermontville, Coreys and at Jay. She was the mother of Estella E. Manning, who married William A. Martin. In the early 1870s, she sold that part of her land that would become the Sanatorium to Robert S. Smith.

She "knew the therapeutic value of herbs and roots, and how to prepare and administer them," and attended at many births, illnesses and deaths "before the day of doctors and nurses." 1


1. Donaldson, Alfred L. A History of the Adirondacks, New York: The Century Co., 1921, p. 269-270. (reprinted by Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmanns, NY, 1992)