Water Street is a short alley off of the west side of Broadway opposite Woodruff Street.

Lake Placid News, December 22, 1977

Street Talk

[the beginning of this article is missing]

…the controversial alley which runs between her building and Sheefer's Jewelry Store is actually a bona fide village street.

She said she was told that its name is "Water Street." There is a village manhole in the center of it. "It's twice as big a problem as any street in town," she claimed — at least it is to her and the jeweler next door.

Both retail businesses deny ownership of the alley and say the village has the right of way. The alley is approximately 80 feet long and 10 feet wide.

DELIVERY TRUCKS and other vehicles often damage both buildings in scraping the exteriors as they negotiate the slender chute which drops at a fairly stiff angle from Broadway to the rear yards, parking areas, sheds and restaurant kitchens along the Saranac River.

"I would at least like to see one way traffic here towards Broadway." Mrs. Pandolfo said, "for the sake of the building. But that would be bad, too, since it is dangerous to come up the alley with any momentum without coming directly out on the sidewalk Somebody will be killed or injured there as it stands now.

"It should be tagged if it is a village street. If it is Water Street, put up the sign."

Ray Willett of the Village Water Department said the correct name is Brennan Lane and that it extends from Broadway to the Back Door Bar at the rear of the old Enterprise building.

The street does not appear on village maps drawn in the 1950s nor is it on the village street manifest as either Water St. or Brennan Lane.

Mrs. Pandolfo said it is dangerous as a street no matter which way traffic flows. She expects to petition the Village Board to clarify the situation.

"If they just made it a walkway, it would be fine with me. " she said.