Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-11:00pm
Sat/Sun: 9:00am-11:00pm
Phone / Fax
(607) 255-4214 / (607) 255-7793

Anabel Taylor Hall is a building on Cornell University's campus that was opened as an Interfaith Center. It also includes Anabel Taylor Chapel, a location in the Hall for worship services, weddings, and musical events.

Quoting from excerpts of Myron Taylor's Dedication Speech, Anabel Taylor Hall, October 26, 1952:

...Here is one place where all religions may repair for worship, and for that inward reflection upon God and immortality which precede and follow sincere worship, however voiced. Here a lonely soul may meditate and pray by himself; here, groups may gather; here, a numerous congregation may join in songs of praise. If rules be necessary for the governance of this sanctuary, let them be such as promote tolerance and a quiet respect for religious ideas and customs not our own. Here, majority opinion need not rule, to the confusion of the individuals; neither shall a minority stir tumult in the hearts of others.

...It is my prayer that throughout long years to come it Anabel Taylor Hall may serve Cornell, it's graduates, all others whom its influence may reach, that each and all may do his and her duty in bringing to weary humanity the vision of a better life both here and here-after. The way was spelled out for us centuries ago by the prophet Micah, with those deathless words I close these remarks: "What does the lord require of you but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humble in the sight of God?"1



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