Yes, there is another Philomath! It's the small community of Philomath, Georgia located in Oglethorpe County. Settled around 1829 it was home to an all-boys boarding school, Reid Academy which was known throughout the state as one of the finest educational institutions of its time. (Notice any parallels with our town history?) Many Native American trails run through this land, frequented in years past by the Cherokee and Creek peoples. A large number of cotton plantations were laid out in the area, the oldest of which is called "The Globe". A Presbyterian Church that was erected around 1840 still stands.

Perhaps most interesting of all, according to Wikipedia:

"Philomath was the location of the final breaking up of the Confederate government east of the Mississippi. President Davis and his cabinet separated in Washington, Georgia, because they thought it was best for him to travel inconspicuously. His cabinet met at the home of the Captain John J. Daniel. General Breckinridge and General Duke, who were body guards to President Davis in his flight from Richmond were in command. It was decided that it was a "needless expenditure of blood to continue the struggle, and the Stars and Bars of the late Confederacy were forever furled." The last counsel of war took place in the parlor of the Globe and the generals and other officers dined with Captain Daniel. The parting addresses were delivered from the porch after the soldiers received their small pay checks and departed for their homes."