RTP 180: Open source all the things


This is the project page for the RTP 180: Open Source All Things speaking series held on September 17, 2013 sponsored by The Research Triangle Park in partnership with opensource.com. Speakers do not need to RSVP -- but if you have guests, please direct them to http://rtp180opensource.eventbrite.com/.

If you had five minutes to share an open source story, what would you say? Opensource.com is partnering with The RTP Foundation for an upcoming RTP 180 series focused on open source.

  • Date: 9/17/2013 (New date...we had to move this up one week from the previous announced date)
  • Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Speakers please arrive by 5:30 pm
  • Web: http://rtp.org/rtp-180-open-source-all-things
  • What: You get 5 minutes. You can have slides or you can just talk. It's meant to be casual and fun -- and your talk must be about an open source topic.

Important due dates for speakers:

  • Confirmation of participation and 1-2 sentence bio due August 29, 5:00 pm
  • Title of your talk and if your using *PowerPoint slides due by August 29, 5:00 pm
  • Slides are due by September 9 <-- no really, we need them a week ahead of time to prepare for the light show


Speaker bio's:

  • Jason Hibbets - Jason might be considered an open source guru. He likes the color red. He graduated from NC State and is now a project manager at Red Hat where he runs opensource.com. Jason wrote a book, and he actually read it. Eight times. He self-published The foundation for an open source city, and it outlines how to implement an open source city brand through open government. Jason has been instrumental in cat herding the open source experts that you'll hear tonight and he's very excited about the upcoming All Things Open conference coming to Raleigh on October 23-24. No need to whip out your latest Ruby, Java, or node.js scripts, he's ready to share 10 ways to start using open source withought any code with you. Please, no GitHub pull requests until after the 5 minute mark.
  • Carlos Santana - Attended University of Puerto Rico RUM in Electrical and Computer Engineering, moved to NC and got a Master of Computer Science @ NCSU.  Last few years spent on a mobile App for Apple iOS, Android and BlackBerry Flex Mobile for Server Group (STG). His team released this Hybrid App using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript leveraging well known Open Source projects DojoToolkit JavaScript and Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap). He recently started collaborating with Civic Hacking groups such as CityCampNC and CodeforAmerica.Much is his obsession with open source that he recently joined IBM Software Group and now spends most of his day on Github, Mailing Lists, Web Standards, and Twitter contributing to Open Source projects such as DojoToolkit, Apache Cordova.
  • Reid Serozi - #OpenData Solutions Engineer @Socrata | Civic-geek with a knack for DIY projects and improving local government with @CityCampNC@LocalWiki @CodeForRaleigh  More info: serozi.com/reid
  • Ray Idaszak - Ray is Director of Collaborative Environments at RENCI (Renaissance Computing Institute) located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. When Paul Jones (see bio below) introduced our team to Michael Tiemann – VP of Open Source Affairs at RedHat – the question became: Can advanced open source mechanics be applied to (open) science itself? I will take 5 minutes to convince you that it can, and briefly describe our successful efforts thus far in the area of water science. Read more here and here.
  • Ian Henshaw - Ian is gifted with ADD, is a “pack rat” and is still trying to figure out what he wants to do when he grows up.

    These characteristics can be summed up by his current list of activities:

    Ian's Motto: “Life is short, why do only one thing?”

    • Managing Partner, Technology Tank LLC - a Think Tank that provides technology policy and implementation strategies to government agencies, businesses and non-profits.

    • Partner, Twin City Alliance LLC - a boutique investment company consulting to match companies for mutual benefit in International Business.

    • Owner, Oakhaven Research, Inc. - an IT Consulting and Integration company.

    • Member of the CityCamp NC PulsePoint Team.

    • Member of the NCDatapalooza DataJam Parking Team - Late Breaking news, the Parking Team won Datapalooza and are pitching at the CED Tech Venture Conference on Tuesday!

    • Captain of the Cary Code-for-America Brigade.

    • Member of the Town of Cary Economic Development Committee.

    • Ambassador of the Cary Chamber of Commerce,

    • and is active in several charitable organizations..

  • Vincent Belanger - Vince is co-founder of new Raleigh based Open Data Solutions  @OpenDataSol    focusing on #OpenData. He has a long history of providing Information Management solutions around Big Data, Little Data, Some Data with a passion in helping organizations make better decisions and to see what others don't.
  • Karen Cranston - Karen is an evolutionary biologist and Informatics Project Manager at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent, http://nescent.org). NESCent funds research into synthetic evolutionary biology - research that does not involve the collection of new data, but instead new method development, data synthesis and integration across disciplines. We are a strong supporter of open data, open science and open source software development. A major goal of the NESCent Informatics program is to nurture the creation of distributed, self-maintaining open-source developer communities among the global evolutionary and bioinformatic research community. I'll talk about some of the strategies we use by way of an example recently submitted to the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science. You can find Karen on Twitter.
  • Eric Martindale - Eric is open-sourcing the world of education by building Coursefork, a powerful new way to collaborate on educational material.  He's a relentless maker and serial entrepreneur, having founded his first successful company immediately after highschool and continuing to lead engineering teams and startups through the open-source ecosystem throughout his career.  He has built and released droves of open source software ranging from music listening platforms to cryptocurrency trading applications, and is a current contributor to a number of popular open source projects.  As a passionate philomath and autodidact, he believes that the future of education is an open one, and strives to bring the transformative energy of open source to the education industry.  Which, he might add, is but the first of many stops along the way.
    GitHub: http://github.com/martindale
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/martindale
  • Professor Paul Jones - Known on most online social sites as smalljones, Jones has been involved in Open Source and Free Software for over 3 decades. Along the way, he co-authored The Web Server Book (Ventana, 1995) -- The very first book on how to install and manage a Web Server included a full Linux distribution and all the software needed (at the time) to become a web host. He established (beginning in 1992) and managed sunsite.unc.edu -> metalab.unc.edu -> ibiblio.org as a major enabler and host for Open Culture and FLOSS projects. He was one of the co-implementors of the first simulcast radio station, WXYC, in 1994. He was co-chair of the International World Wide Web Conference in 2010. He holds an Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from Warren Wilson College and has published (and been paid for) poetry in many literary journals and anthologies including 

    Best Amercian Erotic Poems: 1800 - Present (Scribners, 2008). Do NOT send email.