This email should serve as a confirmation that we have received someone's submission to be part of the team. Feel free to customize based on what the person added in the comment field.


Hello John Dogg,

Thanks for being part of the Triangle Wiki!  Save this email. It has links and instructions that may be helpful later.

To get started, here's a hidden link to the Triangle Wiki:   
username: triangle
password: research

We appreciate your willingness to contribute.

1) Sandbox - As a subject matter expert, we hope you are excited and ready to drop in some content! However, if you just want to play around, we do have a sandbox. A sandbox is somewhere that you can add, edit, and delete without messing anything up. You may want to start here.

2) Wiki Guide -  First time contributing to a wiki? Catch up on the basics on how wikis work here.

3)  What to write?  Want to participate but aren't sure what to contribute? Review content ideas here.

See something missing? Need additional features of the wiki? Add your questions and requests here.

Wikis are open to everyone, so if you see a grammatical error or something that needs to be fixed, fix it! This site is not a commercial site, however, so please refrain from entering overly promotional content. We'd like this site to fill in the holes for the type of content that is missing in Raleigh.  For example, there is a site already that shows the R-Line route and status. But what is not communicated is that the bus stops for several minutes at the Convention Center. This site will include lots of tips and information that is typically only known by locals.

Know someone who is a subject matter expert that can help build this site?  Ask them to join!