Piece Title
1111 Soquel Avenue Mural
Name(s) of Artist(s)
Kathleen Crocetti
Commissioned By
City of Santa Cruz Redevelopment Agency
Glass mosaic tile.
Parking lot at 1111 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA
Installation Date


Description of Work

Over 2,000 students created individual mosaics on 6" tile squares. The tiles were then mounted on the wall. The over-arching abstract design was the result of a design contest for Santa Cruz City school students. The design was applied to the wall with a five color grout system. The lead artist and project manager was Kathleen Crocetti.

The plaque reads: "3,224 tiles, 600 pounds of glass and 539 onsite volunteer hours, and 11 participating City of Santa Cruz Schools."

Panaromic View. Photo by John Pilge: October 2010. Detail of left side.

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