Helping you handle the hard times in your life in the company others who are going through the same problems.

Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behavior

Friends and Relatives of Addicts

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) A supportive 12-step group for all ages, structured to help heal the wounds of having an addict or alcoholic in the family growing up. Meets Sundays 7-8:30 pm at the Aptos Hills Mobile Home Park recreation room, 600 Trout Gulch road, Aptos. For more info call (831) 252-2933
  • Yoganon Mindful Movement and support for families and friends of those with substance use disorders or behavioral addictions

Birthing and Women's Health

  • Healing from Cesarean Section and VBAC Call (831) 421-4226 for more information
  • Post-Abortion Support Group Call (831) 423-9444 extension 315

Grief Support

Mental Illness

  • The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill-- Santa Cruz County is a support, education and advocacy group for sufferers of mental illness and their allies. You can contact them at (831) 427-8020 or visit their website at
  • National Alliance for the Mentally Ill is made up up individuals who have dealt with having a friend or relative suffer from mental illness. Some are also diagnosed mentally ill and want to encourage anyone who is suffering or of a friend or relative that is suffering, to join this mutual support group. Working within this group everyone receives mutual support with coping with their mental illness and collaborate on ways to help enhance the mental health system.
  • Other

  • Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center

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