Tallahassee Newcomer "The Capital City's Premier Resource Guide" - This is a great resource, listing schools, churches events, maps restaurants, and much, much more.

Florida"s Scenic Highway, www.floridascenichighways.com   Try to obtains their brochures, particularly  Wild and Wacky Locations, Wildlife and Bird Watching, Florida Food Festivals, Old FLorida History, Motorcycle Enthusiasts.  They also have an excellent map  Explore Undiscovered North FLorida.

Florida State Parks have an easy to us GO GUIDE, and an offical state park map.  The guide: FLorida State Parks is excellent.  It is organized by regions. 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., 850-245-2157    www.dep.state.fl.us

The Division of Forestry has guides to parks and forest

Visit Florida   www.visitflorida.com Has brochures and guides, paraticularly Florida Hiking Trails, Florida Bicycle Trails.  2540 W. Executive Center Circle,  850-488-5607  Try to obtain their brochure entitled Native Wildflowers in Florida's eastern Panhandle.  The Guide to the Big Bend Scenic Byway can be downloaded form www.floridabigbendsscenicbyway.org   Try to obtain the map Been There Haven't Done That.  It is well done, and well organized.

Some really incredible resources available from Visit Florida are Their Guides.  Trail of Florida's Indian Heritage, Florida Black Heritage Trail, Florida Native American Heritage Trail, Floridas World War II Heritage trail, and Floridas Civil War Heritage Trail.  They are well organized, and present the history through places to visit, and by region.  They are definitely keepers!!!

Florida Public Archaeology Network/North Central Region   www.FlPublicarchaeology.org

Visit Natural North Florida   1-877-955-2199, www.visitnaturalnorthflorida.com  They have a great map, and a nice brochure that gives listings of springs, parks, traails, events, and attractions.    2009 NW 67th Place, Gainesville, 32653

Visit Tallahassee, www.visittallahassee.com, 106 E. Jeffrson St., 850-606-2305  They are located across from the Capital, and kitty-cornered from City Hall.  They are an incredible one-stop for all kinds of information about our town and surrounding areas.  While there ask for the guides for Touring Downtown Tallahassee: A Walking Guide to Historic Downtown.  Also the Capitol Downtown Cultural District: A Guide to Exploring the Arts and Culture in Downtown Tallahassee.  Historic Frenchtown: A Walking Tour Guide; Myers Park Historic District Tour Guide; Conquistadors in the Fabled Land of the Apalachee.  And, they publish annually the "magazine" style guides entitled Tallahassee Newcome; Undiscovered Florida; And Florida State Parks, the Real Florida.  The delightful folks at the center will give you infor on upcoming events, and show you where all the good stuff is kept!

Department of Environmental Protection  850-488-1234     Environmental Education  850-245-2100;   Greenways and Traisl  850-245-2052  ; St. Marks Historic RailRoad State trail  850-487-7989 ;   Watershed restoration, 850-245-8556

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:   www.panhandleoutdoorslive.com   for field trips.


Tallahassee Real Estate Newsletter - Monthly newsletter featuring charts, graphs, and analysis of the Tallahassee real estate market. This is a great resource for people who want to sell a home in Tallahassee, buy a home in Tallahassee, or just want to have a better understanding of the housing market   in Leon County, Florida.


Note that http://local.google.com is sometimes a good and easy place to find times/phone. Better yet, look them up in the phone book, and ask them. Remove the fields you don't fill out — or even better, look up or call them for the missing information!