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3178 Highway 20, Hallwood, CA 95901
(530) 742-2632

The 7 Mile House Restaurant and Watering Hole was established in 1850. It features live music, karaoke, overnight camping, a gift shop, an antique wagon, and a 6,300-pound metal dragon named Claude that has a 19-foot wingspan and breathes real fire.

The bar is currently open every other weekend, but the restaurant section is no longer open at all, due to the fact that the former owner died in 2008 and his daughter has not yet found a buyer.


"7 Mile House Hasn't Hit the Road" by Ben van der Meer, Appeal-Democrat, July 04, 2010


2011-03-20 17:04:24   Haven't been there since the owner passed away but understand his family (from Monetery, CA0 operates it by being open twice a month (next open date is March 26, 2011) —IngridMKollmann

2012-07-09 14:19:13   this used to be a really Fun Place, but hav'nt been back in awhile. would like to see it do well. —