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Town Marysville Yuba City Yuba City Yuba City
Location Downtown Plaza, Suite L, 201 D Street, Marysville, CA‎ 95901-5957 1171 Bridge Street, Yuba City, CA‎ 95991-3695 Yuba-Sutter Mall, Suite G, 1185 Colusa Avenue, Yuba City, CA‎ 95991-3649
Phone (530) 743-7144‎ (530) 673-4533‎ (530) 751-1075‎
Manager Mary Witzke Warren Crawford Floyd Elliott

RadioShack is a multinational chain of electronics retail stores with two locations in Yuba City and one in Marysville. It was founded in 1921 and is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas.


