Minutes of Annual General Meeting 25.09.2014

held in St Michael's Church Hall .Balhannah Rd.

Chairman Rick Harcourt introduced himself to new members, then welcomed everyone icluding the three guest speakers.. He thanked St Michael's Church management for the use of this excellent venue.

1. Present

40 community members.

2. Apologies

R Grivell, J Fowles, L Davidge,G VanPellekan ,T Finnis, S Gallasch, B& A Mouatt, Cr Westwood

3. Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting of 2013.

Copies available for perusal . Confirmed as correct. Moved F Williams 2nd M Hasler

4. Business Arising


5. Consideration of Reports.


Balance at 30.06 2013 $3483.

Payments to 30.06.2014 $3152

Receipts to 30.06.2014 $3801

Balance at 30.06.2014 $3780.

Major expenses - included Public Liability Insurance, Tour Down Under decoration costs and VillageVoice production costs.

Income - covered Tour Down Under event through a DCMB donation of $2000, Village Voice advertisments $1327,as well as donations from 2 Councillors and a private donation.

Treasurer - spoke of the professional and valued publication that Village Voice has become,then thanked the producers, in particular Wendy Williams, for a job well done.

He acknowledged the generous printing committment of Jamie Briggs Office staff. Balance figure correction noted.

Motion "that the audited financial statement of the Hahndorf Community Association for 2013/14 be accepted" 2nd H Gallasch. Carried.

Motion "that the thanks of the Association be offered to Honorary auditor, Mr Jeff Bettcher" 2nd H Gallasch - carried.

Chairman - as attached. Rick reminded those present of the objective of the Association.

ie to preserve and enhance the amenities of residential life in Hahndorf. This objective has been achieved, as always with the positive and responsible action of the Council staff, Mayor Ann and members of our community.

Rick then expanded on the achievements for 2014 - heavy transport traffic and pedestrian safety issues, which has been recognised by State Government, The end result being the installation of of wombat crossings and a 40kmh speed in the centre of town.

*The remodelling of Pioneer Memorial Gardens has given focus for families and events. John Buchan played a strong role in the design and implementation of this project

*HCA has taken a stand against the deterioraton of heritage values. The sub committeehas found an opening in the development approval process which now allows objection or input before it is too late.  StatePlaning Laws are under review.

*A venture to preserve and restore the important Nixon's Mill is gaining momentum, and driven by a sub committee.

*Village Voice has been an effective community communicationn organ . Thanks to the editors and producer Wendy Williams ,with help from the group , and to Jamie Briggs Office .

Secretary Ann is involved in the 175th celebrations planning, as well as other groups and activities in town all of which fulfill the HCA purpose eg - HCA facilitates the Remembrance Day Service,decorates the town for TDU..

Hahnwikki progresses through the monitoring by Tony Finnis as another communication organ as does the media through the Courier.

Chairman Rick expressed his appreciation of the suppport from Committee, and invited new members to nominate..

Motion of appreciation from the floor for Rick's chairman ship. - Report accepted.

6. Any other Business

i. - HBTA has a working bee on Friday October 3rd to tidy around pots and trees, plus plant new colour,Volunteers needed from HCA.

ii. - Conjecture regarding the name of Main street as versus Mt Barker Rd This needs to be settled for clarity - suggest lobby Council.

7. Election of Committee Members.

All current members standing. New nominees Christine Reed, Maureen Gordon

8. Election of Auditor

Jeff Bettcher nominated as Auditor.

9. Introduction of Speakers

...... topic. The Positive Aspects of Tourism for Hahndorf

Jason Duffield HBTA President

Lucy Moody Somerled Wines

Brian Shipirra Hahndorf Resort.

Question time of speakers.

Mr Bob Dewell representing Lions International presented Mr Shirripa with a certificate of appreciation for support of the Lions Forum held in Adelaide in August

Chairman Rick thanked the speakers for their input and valued time .

First Committee Meeting will be October 8th in the Institute Supper Room at 9.30 when executive will be elected.


Meeting Closed at 9.00pm

Invitation to partake of supper

Thankyou to Sam Scott for wine tasting, Udder Delights for cheeses, and committee member Gail for scones