Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of Committee Meeting held at the Kaffehaus - 13 May 2009 at 9:30am


Mike Hasler (Acting Chairman), Wendy Williams, Rick Harcourt, David Haines, Louise Trinkle, Lita Los Angeles, Graham Woolford, Russell Grivell, Eric Aliffe, Tony Finnis and Rob Lang


Phil Houston, Margaret Brook,

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The previous minutes were approved (moved by Rick Harcourt, seconded by David Haines)

Business Arising

Horse and Carriage:

Wendy had spoken to Sarah Harris (owner of the horses) about the use of manure collection bags under the Shire Horses tails and also the problem of holding up the traffic. Sarah advised the horses are too old now for bag training; this has to be done when young and because the horses get anxious with something under their tails it would be dangerous on the Main Street. Manure is removed as soon as possible. The horses will use the back streets as much as possible to improve traffic flow. It was agreed that the horse and carriage is a great attraction for the village and that the situation be monitored for a further month and brought back to the June Agenda for further discussion. June Meeting

Walking Trail:

Phil had found archived 2000/01 accounts audited by Russell which showed the HCA had obtained a grant of $2,500 towards the Walking Trail from DCMB.
Tony Finnis advised that the Walking Trail signage had also been discussed at a recent meeting of the National Trust. It was agreed that this matter should be brought back to the June Meeting June Meeting

Correspondence In

  • DCMB–Land Acquisition Main Street Master Plan-to invite Barry Wilkins to June Mtg: Further to Phil’s letter to Bill Chandler (DCMB) regarding the acquisition of land for further parking within the Main Street, Wendy had contacted Bill Chandler regarding a response. Mr Chandler responded that he had had the land indicated roughly valued and is in the process of looking at financial implications; however, the cost is significant and it is most unlikely that council would be in a position to secure this land. Wendy had invited Barry Wilkins to attend the June Meeting; Barry has now formally left the Council although still interested in Hahndorf Main Street Implementation Strategy. He is unable to attend the June meeting but has a meeting with Bill Chandler when they will discuss who will be able to attend to address the issues we have raised, being Land Acquisition and Heavy Traffic through the town. June Meeting

  • DCMB – John Carrangis – Hahndorf Toilets – acknowledgement of HCA letter, Acknowledgement of letter from Mike Hasler and Eric Ayliffe (see Correspondence Out 1).

  • Clean-Up Australia – A “Thank You” and suggestion for extra fund-raising. Phil had emailed through a letter from Clean-up Australia thanking the HCA for it’s support of the March, 2009 Clean-Up Day and providing further Clean-Up fundraising ideas. CLEAN-UP AUSTRALIA 2010 is to be held on Sunday, 7 March 2010.

Correspondence Out

  • DCMB – John Carrangis - Hahndorf Toilets Sub-Committee per Mike Hasler/Eric Ayliffe: Eric reported that the Sub-Committee had attended a meeting with John Carrangis regarding the most unsatisfactory state of Hahndorf’s Public Toilets. He had then forwarded a letter confirming details of their discussions and concerns with Mr Carrangis, setting out basic requirements thought necessary to improve the situation. A letter dated 5 May 2009 was received from John Carrangis, Environmental Health Practitioner thanking the deputation that had met with him and stating that this letter had been referred to the Council’s Assets Manager for discussion.

    A further letter dated 9 May 2009 was received from John Carrangis advising that although the HCA sub-committee’s requests to increase frequency of cleaning/ servicing of the toilets and the reinstating of soap and hand towels etc was noted, the 2009-2010 budget had been finalized and would now be reconsidered for the following budget. This was a most disappointing result following a lot of hard work monitoring the state of the toilets within the town in order to improve matters for the tourists etc. It was noted that tourists had approached the Manna requesting use of their toilets. It was agreed that HCA should write again to the Council with a copy to the Mayor and Cr Lindsay Campbell expressing HCA’s disappointment at the lack of any effective measures being taken by John Carrangis and requesting that John together with his supervisor have a further meeting with the HCA Sub-Committee . Members are to individually put in a complaint to the Council through their Complaints Form on the Internet and Lita to follow up with the Traders for assistance.

    Action: Eric Ayliffe and Committee

    • Email to Bill Chandler regarding Phil’s letters on Land Acquisition and Off Street Parking.
      This was dealt with under Correspondence In 1.



    In Phil’s absence Mike Hasler advised that he felt very strongly about getting some-thing further done regarding the Balhannah/Main Street Crossing and Traffic Lights. Louise had provided the School Governing Board with correspondence between the HCA and DCMB and it was agreed that she should take this matter up with the Board further asking for it’s suggestions. She felt it was very necessary to get all the Hahndorf Institutions behind this - eg the Precinct Group/Traders/ Schools/HCA etc.

      Action: Louise


      The Treasurer, Eric Ayliffe, advised that the HCA funds stood as follows as at 13.05.09:

      HCA Funds $2,899.81

      Hahndorf Pioneer Women’s Historical Marker a/c $2,094.69

      • TOTAL FUNDS: $4,994.50

        General Business

        Johnston Park:

        David Haines advised that the new Bridge had been installed at Johnston Park, plantings had been undertaken and despite a small controversy as to where the new fence should be placed it was now ready to be installed. The lighting has also been installed.

        Main Street Paving:

        The Main Street paving from Auricht Road to Ottos is underway but it was generally felt that it was fairly uneven and with tree roots etc could cause problems. Wendy had approached Norm Key to see if the area to be footpathed could be altered; however, this was impossible as the area had been approved through Council. Louise advised that Norwood Council had been doing a trial on footpath surfaces, including a new rubbery surface, and it was agreed that Wendy investigate this further. Council could be subsequently contacted with results of the trial should this be felt to be appropriate.

        Action: Wendy W.


          This matter had already been discussed under Item C. 1. Eric to have further discussion with Bill Chandler.

          Budgets and Grants:

          It was agreed that David H would discuss with Ann H and report back to the June meeting. June Meeting

          Any Other Business

          Off-Street Parking – Pine Avenue:

          Eric expressed concern about dangerous parking he had observed on the corner of Pine Avenue and Main Street and felt signs were necessary stating ‘Definitely no Parking’. June Meeting

          Broadband for Seniors:

          Lita brought the Committee’s attention to broadband being established in various locations through Centrelink to assist Seniors to become computer literate and have availability of use.

          Hahndorf Community Wiki Website:

          Tony Finnis reported on the background of the Wiki Website, explaining the Wiki Spot Project, funding, costing etc. Mike Hasler asked Tony to provide a report on this to the June Meeting. June Meeting

          Semaphore residents – solar hotwater/electricity systems –discounts on installations:

          Louise followed this up from the May meeting and wondered if Hahndorf residents could perhaps get together and take advantage of this system.
          Tony advised that Mt Barker is doing something on similar lines in the Council area. It was agreed that this be checked out for the June Meeting.

          Precinct Representation:

          Russell G advised that there were no Precinct Minutes to hand on to HCA and also that due to the two meetings being held on the same date at the same time, it was difficult for him to attend both.

          Closure and Next Meeting

          There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 10:40am

          Next Meeting …. Wednesday, 10th June 2009 at Kaffehaus …… 9:30am.