Committee Meeting held on Wednesday October 9th 2013 at 9.30 am

in the Hahndorf Institute Supper Room



1.Present R Harcourt, M Brook, J Germano,T Finnis, J Buchan,W Williams,P Houston, G.Woolford, H Gallasch,J Bettcher


2.Apologies. M Hasler, E Aliffe, G Vort-Ronald, A Haines, J Fowles,B Mouatt.


3.Election of Office Bearers. Elected un-opposed. Chairman R Harcourt.

Vice Chairman M Hasler

Secretary A Haines Treasurer E Aliffe.

4.. Presentation. John Buchan tabled and outlined design and planting plan for Pioneer Memorial Gardens , a design which took 3 weeks of research and input.

Features include - an eliptical shape fopr lawned area as favoured for gardens in Victorian times.

- cultural and historical significance of chosen plants for the surrounding gardens

- close liason with David Cooney from DCMB in formulating the plan.

- not advised of location for new toilet block, in above discussion, which will distort eliptical design and affect some plantings.

- suggestions offered re. relocation of some proposed trees.

The proposed plan most detailed and desirable.

Vote of thanks proposed for John's work. T Finnis 2nd P Houston .


5.Minutes of Previous Meeting ..September 11.

T Finnis requested correction to" Reports . v. Barkerwiki".

MInutes amended . Confirmed T Finnis. 2nd P Houston

Alteration to minutes .v. Barkerwiki. Tony gave an update on American LocalWiki organisation which has obtained additional funding to extend the capability of the community based

program on an interconnected world-wide basis. Eight pilot sites ...."

6. Business Arising.

i. 175th celebrations progress. Jeff reported 3 meetings held thus far including a district

meeting where littlehampton, Nairne and Mt Barker groups shared their plans.

* Mr John Wittwer has agreed to chair the Hahndorf groups as calendar is established.

* next meeting of representitives October 27th at St Paul's Community Centre.

* HCA Family Picnic venue to be Alec Johnston Park instead of Pioneer Park.Andy Glen informed. Logistical reasons of safety/toilets/space.

ii. Heritage . Rick reported that Council planners are unable to provide us with advance information of planning applications. As from 2006, only those parties which must be notified by law will receive such information.

A proposal for a 2 story motel and carpark along the creek behind former BP station and shops is being designed. Harold suggested that provision should be made for walking access along the creek , later followed by other access points behind buildings to allow a trail away from Main Street.

Jim to be invited to continue as leader of this sub committee.

iii. Remembrance Day . Margaret outlined preparations thus far. Pastor Rideour , Bruce Mouatt, Lester Francis contacted as participants, invitations sent to Mayor, Politicians etc.

Wreaths to be made on Sunday 10th .

iv.Heavy vehicles/transport. Rick read and tabled a letter to Mayor requesting meeting.

Jeff reported that a wombat crossing [ as outcome of shared traffic survey ] is planned for

vicinity of Hahndorf Inn . Murray Young &Co planners meet 9.10.2013 to establish location.

Jeff also reported that Bald Hills road interchange is under scrutiny. Total cost $47 million

Developers input $20.5 million

Federal input $16million

State input $5.5 but not forth coming

possibly 2.5 milliion

DCMB agreed to top up $3 million short fall v. Jeff reported that Community Grant for purchaseof lecturn for community use successful.

$2,025.00 allocated. Action Ann

7. Correspondence.

In.Think, Design Deliver Forum - 3 Hahndorf representitives.

Acknowledgement of Grant Application

Cr Westwood re. Alec Johnston Park memorials.

Mt BArker Resident's Assocn. Cultural and Arts Policy.

Heysen Celebrations- community art exhibition and childrens classes in Institute.

Julie at 3Cs Church re. Christmas Fair

Out Mayor re. Heavy Vehicles

Grant application

8. Reports none

Discuss make up at next meeting.


9. Any Other Business.

i. TDU The race passes through Hahndorf - next meeting agenda.

ii. Phil reorted correspondence from DCMB that a concrete footpath will be installed on Western side of Auricht Close.

iii. Nixon's Mill preservation. Tony reported a positive response from DCMB.

iv. No 64 Main St Jeff reported that no application nor approval received by planners.

v. Creek /water issue on Strempfel Ave No change.

vi For information only Jeff reported that a new Coucil Depot and wetlands will be created behind St Francis De Salle School Also that ALano WAters has new contract for sewerage for Mt Barker and Murray Bridge areas.


Phil Houston thanked Rick for his excellent chairmanship and commended Mike, Eric and Ann for their roles during the past year.


Meeting closed 10.55am

Next Meeting November 13th.