Diederich photographs


A'. This is the last Will and Testament of one Gottfried LUBASCH near Hahndorf - farmer Firstly I desire that all my just debts ....and testamentary expenses be paid and satisfied by my executor hereinafter named as soon as convenient may be after my decease and secondly I give devise and bequeath with my daughter and Maria Elisabeth LUBASCH all and every my household furniture linen and ....[?Weaving] . apparel, books, plate, pictures and china, Horses carts or carriages and also all and every sum and sums of money which may be in my house or be about my person or due to one at the time of my decease and also all other my stocks funds and securities for money book debts money or bonds bills notes or other securities and every other .... estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal whether in possession.....remainder or expectancy unto .................daughter Maria Elisabeth LUBASCH.


....................Maria Elisabeth LUBASCH 


Johanne Eleonore THIELE geb LUBASCH

Dorothea Louise MacFARLANE geb LUBASCH

Johanne Caroline LIEBELT geb LUBASCH

Anna Dorothea JAENSCH gbe LUBASCH


Executrix named in and appointed by the last Will and Testament of Gottfried LUBASCH late of Hahndorf in the Province of South Australia Farmer deceased a true copy of which said last Will and Testament marked "A" is hereunder written did appear at the Supreme Court aforesaid and claim Probate of the said Will.  Whereupon the same was proved approved and registered and the Administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights credits and effects of the said Gottfried LUBASCH deceased was by order of the Court on the eighth day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven granted unto the said Maria Elisabeth LUBASCH she having first sworn that she believed the paper writing annexed to the affidavit of Christian JAENSCH and Anna Dorotea [sic] JAENSCH sworn the twentieth day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty six and filed in this Honorable Court to be the true last Will and Testament of the said Testator who died Hahndorf aforesaid on the fifth day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty six. And that she would well and truly execute the said last Will and Testament  of the said Maria Elisabeth LUBASCH would make and exhibit unto this Honorable Court a true and perfect Inventory all the goods and chattels rights credits and effects of the said deceased on or before the twenty ninth day of July thence ....and that she would also Redner a just and true account of her executorship when she might be lawfully called upon so to do and lastly that she the said deceased within the said Province and its dependencies at the time of his death did not exceed in value the sum of One thousand pounds.  Given at Adelaide their tenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Fifty seven under my hand and the seal of the Supreme Court of the Province of South Australia.  Benjamin BOOTHBY, Judge.


On the 5th October, at Hahndorf, after a short illness, Gottfried LUBASCH, aged 65 years 11 months and 22 days.  The deceased was one of the first settlers at Hahndorf, and was well known to all the earliest settlers in the District of Mount Barkers as an honest, industrious, and careful colonist, and was universally respected.  He was also an old veteran of the Blucher school, having been present at the meeting of WELLINGTON and BLUCHER at Waterloo, and was amongst those who continued the pursuit of the defeated French after that battle; he was also in the disastrous retreat from Moscow, and experienced great sufferings in that memorable campaign.  During the late war with Russia it was his constant practice to make repeated enquiries how the allies got on, and always expressed great satisfaction on hearing of any triumph the allies obtained over the Russians.  He was a great admirer of the English nation and army."


This obituary was duplicated  in the Adelaide Observer [SA:1843-1904] 11 October 1856 page 5.




1.  Using Image Tables for Controlling Images

This Page is intended to demonstrate samples on how to use Images and Image Tables in the Adelaide Hills LocalWiki for Janis Haynes.  This will allow experimentation to take place without involving individual Pages being played around with excessively.

  • Make sure desired Image is already loaded or if not do so via the 'Image Icon' located on top Edit Bar.
  • Please note that Images and Text within individual Cells can be considered as basically equivalent in construction and detail as if they were contained as part the main body of a Page (ie not Index).
  • Normally don't use more than 3 columns for any Table when using Images.
  • Make sure desired Image/s are already loaded or if not do so via the 'Image Icon' located on top Edit Bar.
  • Janis - please experiment with whatever appears on this Page as you wish, perhaps attempt to duplicate/or similar under the existing Image Table shown to see what questions/problems might arise.

Please contact me via email as necessary  -  Tony.

1.1  Basic Table with Text only

  1. This was made by creating a 'Table' with 1 row set to 100 percent (not pixels) width and 1 column. 
  2. Text was then entered as desired and when completed was hi-lighted and the Alignment set via the top Edit Bar to whatever desired (in this case - Center).
  3. Right click within Table and click on 'Cell' then left click on 'Cell Properties' - select 'Backgound Color' and choose desired color, then OK.


  1. yes this is exactly right
  2. I forgot to check on the image for left alignment and came up with that over night as well
  3. yes I can do this easily.... what a relief
  4. I thought I was going mad




  • yes this is exactly right
  • I forgot to check on the image for left alignment and came up with that over night as well
  • yes I can do this easily... what a relief
  • I thought I was going mad


Janis - Is this what you require?

Very Funny Dog

  1. Removed colour from your 'Image Cell' so that I could see what I was doing?
  2. Double click on Image and align 'Left' - so that text can be placed on right of Image
  3. Started inputting text above etc then 'enter' for next line of text.
  4. Don't number above lines yet, but wait until all text has been inputted.
  5. Now we will think about numbering and bulleting the above, so I will repeat the above text below and number the above from the number Icon and bullet the bottom from the bullet icon both available from the 'Edit Bar'.
  • Removed colour from cell so that I could see what I was doing?
  • Double click on Image and align 'Left' - so that text can be placed on right of Image
  • Started inputting text above etc then 'enter' for next line of text.
  • Don't number above lines yet, but wait until all text has been inputted.
  • Now we will think about numbering and bulleting the above, so I will repeat the above text below and number the above from the number Icon and bullet the bottom from the bullet icon both available from the 'Edit Bar'.

NOTE - If you require space between the Image and the text you will need to have 2 columns as explained in 1.2 below and basically follow the above.


1.2  Adding single Image and Text

Funny Frog

  1. Create 'Image Table' with 1 row set to 100 percent (not pixels) width and 1 column.
  2. Click 2 or so times in Table so that depth of Table increases.  Leave cursor in left side of Table after checking that Align left is set in Edit Bar.
  3. Select or load desired Image to be displayed from top Edit Bar 'Image Icon' and then...................
  4. Enter desired text on right side of Image, and adjust if necessary.
  5. Add 'Background Color' as described in 1.1 above (if desired), then OK.

Note: to create space between Image and numbered/bulleted text - This does not now appear to be working.  More experimentation required ----- See Below.

Funny Frog.

Further experimentation on above using an additional Column.

  1. Created 'Image Table' with 1 row , 100 percent width, and 2 columns.
  2. Added 'Funny Frog' Image into left Cell.
  3. Added Text into right Cell.
  4. Set left Cell width to 175 pixels to suit Image width
  5. Added 'Background Color' to left Cell
  6. Hi-lighted text to be moved and listed in right Cell.
  7. Clicked on 'Increase Indent' in top 'Edit Bar'.
  8. Clicked on 'Numbered List' in top 'Edit Bar'.
  9. Saved changes and all seemed OK.
Funny Frog

      Further experimentation on above using an additional Column.

  1. Created 'Image Table' with 1 row , 100 percent width, and 2 columns.
  2. Added 'Funny Frog' Image into left Cell.
  3. Added Text into right Cell.
  4. Set left Cell width to 175 pixels to suit Image width
  5. Added 'Background Color' to left Cell
  6. Hi-lighted text to be moved and listed in right Cell.
  7. Clicked on 'Increase Indent' in top 'Edit Bar'.
  8. Clicked on 'Numbered List' in top 'Edit Bar'.
  9. Saved changes and all seemed OK.


Professor 'Angus'


Funny Frog


1.3  Adding several Images

Professor 'Angus' 'Funny Frog'

Above example involves 2 Images but no text apart from adding Captions under Images, and with 'silver' as background colour to hide Table lines.


This example involves 2 Images with text between the Images.

Create 'Table' with 1 row set to 100 percent width and 3 columns.

Treat each Column as was done for the individual Column in 1.2 above.

Add Image to each Cell as described in 1.2 above - however

Professor 'Angus'






     This example involves 2 images with text between the Imaes

Create 'Table' with 1 row set to 100 percent width and 3 


Treat each Column as was done for the individual Column in

1.2 above.

Add image to each Cell as described in 1.2 above 


