Report To Hahndorf Branch, National Trust Of SA.  -  3 September 2006

Anni Luur Fox, Chairperson.

Greetings to all.  The following matters, some of them pressing, require our attention.  I know you are all busy and involved in a thousand things but the Branch really could use some extra help right now.  In the Branch’s 30th year, advocacy for conservation remains a time-consuming priority but raising public concsiousness regarding Hahndorf’s cultural importance is also a continuing priority because it can be so easily swamped.  After a purge of history teachers in the early 1990’s, the importance of Australian history in our system of education has been highlighted in the popular press in the past months, at long last.  The numbers of people from all over Australia seeking information about their ancestors is increasing in the painstaking search for identity.

1. VALE.   Lyndell’s brother Ross Davidge died on Monday 21 August aged 48 years.
2. NATIONAL TRUST REGIONAL MEETING,   Sunday 10 September at 2.00pm. It is our turn to be hosts.  Before Lyndell left for the funeral she suggested we hold it at the Academy.  If weather permits we could use the stable but I have booked the Hahndorf Institute if not.  It would be lovely if you could come with a contribution for afternoon tea.
3. HAHNDORF BRANCH 30TH ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION: PERAMANGK ROCBranchK ART,   11 December 2006 –  8 January 2007.   Tony Finnis and I met with Trust CEO Alan Graham, Robin Coles and Melinda Rankine on 16th July to see the superb photographs and discuss funding.  Robin assured us that we have the permission of Peramangk Elder Richard Hunter to display the work he and Robin have been doing for many years.  A copy of Robin’s manuscript and a CD of the photographs were given to Alan for use in his quest for help from ETSA in funding the exhibition.  Unfortunately, we have just been informed that this was unsuccessful and that we will have to find our own funds.  This was not a surprise.  Since we are committed to this exhibition, I will put up some money to ensure it goes ahead.

The Budget -
Materials:  from Robin Coles, 26 March ’06  (the costs will have increased)
A4 gloss paper Kodak, 2 pkts 40 sheets $40.00
A3 “ “ “ 1 pkt 20 “ $40.00
Inkjet cartridges 4@$40 ea $160.00
Frame block mounts
A4 40 x $15 ea $600.00
A3 10 x $20 ea $200.00
Contingencies $200.00

Total Materials $1240.00

Gallery Rental 4 weeks x $100 $400.00
Refreshments at opening $400.00

TOTAL cost of Exhibition $2040.00

We had hoped to be able to pay for Elder Richard Hunter and his daughter Isoblel to local schools for sessions on Peramangk culture but this seems unlikely.  Please let me know what you think of the budget.  Robin needs to get on with the printing of the photographs as soon as possible.