At the end of the 1985 reorganization, several schools were closed: Bader, Clinton, Freeman, Lakewood, Newport, and Stone schools. In addition, the K-6 elementary schools became K-5 schools; the 7-9 middle schools became 6-8 schools; and the grade 10-12 schools became 9-12 schools. In addition, the Open School got a School Of Its Own, at Bach.

"In 1987, Fellowship Bible purchased the former Edith Bader elementary school from the Ann Arbor School District. The building was dedicated in conjunction with the April 1987 Missionary conference. Rev. Paul A. Tidball, Superintendent of Cleveland Hebrew Mission, and the New Tribes Bible Institute Choir of Jackson participated in the dedication service. The building provides a very suitable auditorium, rooms for Sunday school classes and quiet prayer, and a location close to the university campuses in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti."