What do you know about the Crystal House Motel, a motel that was located at 3250 Washtenaw, formerly Inn America?

Timeline: Crystal House Motel

December 13, 1976. Advertisement. "Matt Chutich, the Friendly Yugoslav, has renovated the whole hotel from top to bottom."  Ann Arbor News. 

December 13, 1976. Gatsby's Rib, "all new dining place". Advertisement, Ann Arbor News.

July 24, 1976. Zelda's Greenhouse, "Ann Arbor's Newest Nightspot" advertisement, Ann Arbor News.

Zelda's Greenhouse was a popular disco during the mid to later 70s when disco was the happening craze. I was one of the DJs there, so had a good view & feel of the action. Zelda's was kinda unique due to all the living greenery including hanging green plants thru-out the club. Had a fashionable crowd (maybe a dress code) with women in stylish dresses & guys wearing bell-bottom cuffed pants in their platform shoes. I was a member of the Detroit Disco Pool, so I had access to all the latest 12" single & LP disco records. I tried not to play just the current top 40 disco hits of the day, but also the latest hot dance records out. There was so much great music released constantly. It seemed a good time was had by all.