Saint Hubert's Job and Networking Ministry
729 Grand Canyon Street
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Phone: 847-885-7700 x 101
Fax: 847-843-8408
Hours: 7 A.M. -- 9:15 P.M.
Contact: Sandy Lawson
Meetings: Twice monthly, 2nd and 4th Monday each Month - 7pm - 9:15pm ; Newcomers 2nd Monday 6pm - 7:00pm
Meeting Address: 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Cost: None
Wheelchair Access: yes
Publications: Career Insight
E-mail: [email protected]

Updated: 6/14/2012

Description: Non-Denominational. Job Seekers forum for help and assistance in a job search. Formal networking, career topic presentations, Job Board listing current opportunities, and information on other area career events available. Additional monthly events. Also looking for volunteers to assist with Job Seekers Forums for help and assistance in a job search. Formal networking, career topic presentations, etc. For further volunteer information, contact Bob Podgorski, e-mail [email protected]