Shuttle stops at crest of West Gate
(Please fill in hours)
(530) 752-8287 for information
(Names of owners/proprietors here)
(Date, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD)
Payment Method
Credit card or debit (must pay online in advance)

From the West Gate at UC Berkeley to Shields Library at UC Davis and back, twice a day trips each day, weekdays only and no holidays. The bus shuttle system is really to connect the campus libraries for inter-campus book exchange trips, but it is available for students, staff and faculty of either campus. It is cheaper and more convenient than taking Amtrak, easier and less annoying than driving. The trips take a bit more than two hours.

Get to the shuttle stop at least 15 minutes in advance of the departure time. This was more important back when you could buy tickets in advance to use any day because students would make reservations online and then never show up, so their open spots were given to students without reservations on a first-come basis. This is not so much an issue anymore, now that the shuttle no longer operates on anyday tickets. Now you must pay and reserve your spot at the same time. If you don't show up, you lose your money. Poof, the no-show problem went away!

It is still a good idea to get to the shuttle early, though. It tends to be on time and the bus driver won't wait.