Describe BoDo Development here. BoDo Development

BoDo-Boise Downtown: A $60 million project to rebuild and redefine the 8th Street Marketplace in Boise gained its building permits in November 2003, three in total, for an office structure, a 380 space parking garage centered on 9th and Front streets, and a three story Capital Gateway Building on the corner of Front and Capital streets. The project was intended to inject revenue and business into the downtown area, bringing into the fold many restaurants and retailers, including a multiplex cinema and P.F. Chang’s Restaurant. In total the project was to include 200,000 sq. ft. of retail space, 100,000 sq. ft. of office space and an 11 screen multiplex (eventually erected as 9 screens) along with a four-story parking garage. Projected to be complete in the fall of 2005, the development was the sole Boise Redevelopment project that had yet to see a significant setback, similar to those suffered by the Boise Tower Project and University Place. Some Snags were encountered along the way including an essential agreement with the Greater Boise Auditorium District about the redrawing of property lines. Issue also arose with the Capital City Development Corp, which is Boise’s urban renewal agency. The dispute arose out of necessity of paneling that would need to be placed on the north-side of the parking structure, a project that would cost $400,000-$600,00. The paneling was left off in order to accommodate a bridge that would connect the garage with the Boise Convention Center. If the bridge project were abandoned, the CCDC would be on the hook for the paneling project. In all, despite the disputes and issues that arose out of the construction of BoDo, the project continued to progress. The fears of the citizenry that a new blight, such as the “Boise Hole” had been brought to the city, a new pockmark that could exist for another decade plus, were allayed. The project was able to keep in line with a fall 2005 finish and was in fact complete with only one months delay, finishing in November. In 2006, plans moved forward on the construction of a new 70-condominium complex on the Front Street side of the BoDo complex. The grand structure provided new housing in the restructured landscape of Boise Downtown. The Aspen Lofts complex boasted great success paralleling that of the BoDo complex; a mere six months after BoDo’s opening, only a modest 2,500 sq. ft. of the original retail space remained unoccupied. The project had succeeded in revamping the Marketplace and brining a welcomed addition to the downtown landscape.

Resources: Hyperlinks contained in attached Document BoDo Development Back on Track [""""] Deal Puts BoDo Development Back on Track [""""] BoDo Boosts Boise Construction [""""] BoDo Transforms Boise into New City [""""]