Kathryn Albertson Park is a Special Use Park located near downtown Boise. The park is 41 acres in size and was designed to be an attractive home for resident and migratory wildlife in downtown Boise. It features wide, paved footpaths which wind through the park carrying walkers past colorful, informative signs inlaid in large rocks. The signs describe wildlife and environmental themes throughout the park. Highlights include outdoor gazebos, a fountain, a cross-section of the world's largest Ponderosa Pine, glimpses of wildlife, including a large population of nesting waterfowl, and access to the Greenbelt. The park is named after Kathryn McCurry, a Boise native, who met her future husband Joe Albertson, founder of Albertsons, Inc., at the College of Idaho.


Due to waterfowl and wildlife nesting, dogs are prohibited in Kathryn Albertson Park from March 1 - June 30. Outside of this time, dogs are required to be kept on leash.


Vegetation in the park was chosen for its diversity in plant size, growth, and type. The plants offer food from the ground level to tree tops as well as nesting cover and protection. Shallow ponds warm quickly in spring and stimulate the growth of aquatic insects and plants, which in turn become food for many kinds of wildlife. Islands in the ponds offer loafing and roosting spots for ducks and shelter nesting birds from predators. Sodded lawn, one-third of the total park area, creates an open space and tempts the palates of species such as Canadian geese, pigeons, and rabbits.

History & Features

A bit of history can be found while walking around the park. The Rookery, a gazebo named after a place where birds breed or congregate, sports the red tile roof that formerly topped Albertson's first supermarket, which opened in Boise in 1939. Supporting the roof are broad beams from an airport hangar previously located where Boise State University now stands, and once visited by Charles Lindbergh. Designed as an outdoor classroom, The Rookery's displays depict wetland habitat, endangered species, bird adaptations, and riparian management. Although most of the rock used in this park is Boise sandstone, inlaid in the floor of The Rookery are small, reddish granite stones imported from Germany. Adjacent to The Rookery is a cross-section of the world's largest ponderosa pine tree, estimated to be 376 years old. The second gazebo, The Eyrie, was named after the nest of a bird prey. The impressive stone and beam construction of The Rookery is repeated here. You will find a rustic, lean-to roof of huge rounded beams and specially milled split cedar poles. The roof and walls frame a secluded alcove with stone benches that face an arrangement of massive sandstone fountains. The bird-related names of the gazebos are fitting, as bird watchers will discover. The presence and songs of the birds are an ongoing delight, and highlight any visit to the park. California Quail, Buffleheads, Great Blue Herons, Mallards and Yellowheaded Blackbirds are some of the more commonly sighted and heard birds.


The Greenbelt