The Idaho Rose Society - Founded in Boise Idaho in February of 1978, the Rose Garden is a nonprofit affiliate of the American Rose Society. The Rose Garden’s goal is to share the love for roses and enthusiasm for roses with the public. The Idaho Rose Society promotes interest in roses through membership meetings, newsletters, and an annual rose show.

The Rose Garden was an addition to Julia Davis Park in 1935. It wasn’t until 1939 that work on the project began, with a total of 2800 roses. The Rose Garden was officially dedicated in 1939. The Idaho Rose Society was organized in 1978, one of the members named Marguerite Lewis who wrote a gardening column for the Idaho Statesman. The Memorial Rose Fund was established in 1979, this fund was intended to help create memorials in the garden for friends and family members. The rose garden was nationally recognized in 1992 when it received its Public Rose Garden accreditation. Since then the rose garden receives ten bushes every year of the all-american winners before they are available on the market. The bushes are planted at the east end of the garden. The garden is located 700 S. Capital Blvd, Boise Idaho.

Mission- The Idaho Rose Society provides an opportunity to share a love of roses by providing information, education and demonstrations at our meetings.

The Idaho Rose Society (2011). Retrieved November 12th, 2011 from

Lauterbach, Margaret. Disease devastates Boise’s Rose Garden (2011).