The Category and Directory Pages are special pages within BufWiki supporting its organization. Category and Directory pages serve as indices to the information on BufWiki and provide a simple mechanism to avoid Orphaned pages.

Category Pages

Category pages organize the wiki content into subject categories, much like the subject index in the Yellow Pages. A category page may contain information on the topic of the category along with wiki-link list(s) of BufWiki pages related to the category.

Directory Pages

Directory pages contain wiki-link lists of category or other subdirectory pages. Directory pages may contain information and links regarding the subject of the directory.


  • Shopping - retail shopping directory page, provides alphabetical list of sub-pages for specific shopping categories, much like the headings in the Yellow Pages. Some example wiki-link pages in the list:
    • Clothing Stores - retail establishments with "Apparel" or "Clothing" appear in the linked page. The Clothing Stores page refers back to its Directory list page Shopping.
      • firebrand - a shoe store listed under Footwear on the Clothing Stores page.
  • Restaurants - restaurants, fast food, and other eating establishments - has subtopics for categories of restaurants, cuisine, style of eating, etc


As a seed (starting point), this page needs love!