Describe Users/KatherineGuenther here.


2012-02-14 20:48:24   Katherine—you are at Buffalo State College and this looks more like an assignment then something just for fun. Is your class assigned to work on the Wiki? —PeterBoulay

2012-02-16 13:33:27   Yeah, pretty much. Is it all right though? I can make it less formal. —KatherineGuenther

2012-02-16 18:44:50   Please discuss that with your professor-I have no involvement with your assignment. My concern was that you posted in the change lot, "Hey, just wanted to make a page to tell everyone about this cool park!"—this really wasn't the truth. It was for a class assignment the entire time. —PeterBoulay

2012-02-28 11:51:34   Well, I'm sorry for misleading you. Do you need me to delete it? Or specify that it was for a class? —KatherineGuenther