Chico Health Center

1469 Humboldt Road in Suite 200
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday/Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 2pm
(530) 891-1911
Payment Method
We have many payment options available to our clients. All services are on a sliding fee scale. Most women and their partners qualify for free examinations and treatments at WHS whether you are insured or not. You can sign up on these free programs at your appointment. These programs cover gynecological examinations, lab tests, pap smears, birth control, STD testing and treatment, mammograms, HIV testing. WHS also accepts Medi-Cal and private health insurance.
About Women's Health Specialists

Women's Health Specialists is a non-profit organization and has clinic locations in Chico, Sacramento, Redding and Santa Rosa.

The barriers to health are deeply rooted in our culture. The wellness of our families and our communities has not improved at the same rate as technological advances, health care reform and specialized medicine. Women are targeted with a myriad of "health promotion, disease prevention" programs by the health care industry. The health care industry, with its own set of priorities, does not necessarily understand or address the true health needs and concerns of women.

It is not surprising to learn that women are the largest consumers of health care and pharmaceutical products. Health and well being is a confusing and anxiety-producing subject for many women. The definition of the "ideal" healthy women is used by the medical profession, medical researchers and the health care industry. This myth is narrow, stereotypical and unrealistic, and harmful to women. The image women have of themselves is effected by the myth of an ideal woman, and consequently, effects how they take care of themselves.

The philosophy of Women's Health Specialists is to promote positive images of women and provide our clients with a new perspective on their bodies and health. We give women the tools to evaluate their authentic health care needs - not based on a societal myth, but on women's reality and experience. We assist women so that they can learn that their bodies and life stages are normal. Our goal is to empower women through support, education, self-help and services to be able to make the best health care decisions for themselves. We put Women's Health in Women's Hands.

Our Services
  • Health Care
  • Women's Health Info.
  • Birth Control
  • Adoption Program - Adoption Choices of Northern California
  • Breast Cancer Detection
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Comprehensive Abortion
  • RU 486: The Abortion Pill
  • STD Testing
  • Emergency Contraception
  • HIV Testing
  • Services for Men
  • Speaker's Bureau
  • Payment Options

Well Woman Health Care We provide preventive reproductive health care, answer your questions about your health concerns and provide women’s health information that you can use for the rest of your life. Our services include annual examinations, breast exams, pap smears, education, counseling and treatment for common and often chronic women's health concerns, i.e., recurring bladder infections, annoying vaginal infections, menstrual period irregularities, pelvic pain, fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease.

Women's Health Information & Referral Line We offer health information, education and referrals. You can call with questions about birth control, abortion, women’s health issues, health problems, for a second opinion on advice given from your physician, referrals to a recommended physician or midwife, prenatal care, breast feeding, in addition to a host of women’s issues such as, divorce/child custody, eating disorders, sexuality issues, date rape, sexual harassment. Birth Control We offer all methods of birth control for women including: The Pill, IUD, Depo Provera, Nuvaring, the Patch, Cervical Cap, Diaphragm, Vaginal Film and Condoms and Contraceptive Foam, and information on Fertility Awareness. We also provide referrals for permanent (male and female) sterilizations services. Through our informed consent process, women can make decisions about saftety and effectiveness. Our birth control services are designed for each woman to receive unbiased information and education to help her decide what is the best choice for her.

Breast Cancer Early Detection Program We provide breast exams, mammograms and case management services for low income and uninsured women. Pregnancy Testing You can come to our clinic for a urine pregnancy test with or without an appointment. You will see the results yourself. The test takes only three minutes and is accurate 10 days after conception. Comprehensive Abortion Services We provide early and later abortion to 18 weeks of pregnancy. If you are early in your pregnancy, you can choose Mifeprex, the "abortion pill”, surgical abortion or abortion with manual vacuum aspiration (MVA). If you are later in your pregnancy, contact us. We can help you get the abortion you need. We have a 24-hour help line.

RU 486 - Mifeprex Mifeprex is the "abortion pill” you may have heard about and it is available at Women’s Health Specialists. You can use this drug to end your pregnancy if you are less than nine weeks pregnant. Mifeprex has been safely used by thousands of women outside the U.S. and is about 95% effective. We have been providing Mifeprex since the FDA approved it for use in the U.S. Women who choose Mifeprex prefer it because they can avoid an invasive surgical procedure and can have a miscarriage in the privacy of their own home.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases We can test for all Sexually Transmitted Infections. By obtaining a sample of your urine, we can test for the most common STDs (gonorrhea and chlamydia). Other STD testing requires a blood sample. Treatments are available immediately for you and your partner.

Emergency Contraception - The Morning After Pill The "Morning After Pill” can be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected intercourse and can possibly prevent pregnancy. We can provide this medication as soon as you need it. We also can give you a package of emergency contraception to take home for future use. Speaker's Bureau We provide education and workshops on a variety of women's health issues including: Abortion, Menopause, Birth control, Gynecological Self Help, AIDS, History of the Women’s Health Movement, Women’s Sexuality, Health Care for Lesbians, Civil Rights Issues of Women's Right to Choose, the Anti-Choice Movement and its effects on women reproductive rights.