Where to look

Why Don't We Own This tracks 44,000+ publicly-owned properties in Detroit. Wayne County has an annual Foreclosed Property Auction in the late summer / early fall (it was in September in 2011.) Properties in that auction start at $500.

The Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation has houses ready for move-in.

Do your research

Rob Linn wrote up some good tips on buying a house. In particular, you'll want to check for:

  • Any permits pulled on on the house. These will tell you what work has been done on the house. It'll give you insight into the roofing, furnace, major repairs, and other topics. 
  • Talk to the neighbors. Don't just find out what they know about the house -- what's the atmosphere of the neighborhood? Are there block parties? A neighborhood group? 
  • Is the house occupied? You don't want to have to kick anyone out of their home, even if you own it!
  • Try to inspect the property -- without breaking in.
  • Are there incentives from your workplace or tax incentives that apply? (let's try to get a list of tax credits here!) 
  • Is there a city-owned lot next door that you could buy or adopt? 

Taxes, permits, and more!

Make sure your taxes are up to date by checking with the County and at the City's Assessor's Office. You might be eligible for some tax credits depending on where the house is. 

Furnishing  / build-out

There are lots of great places to check for reclaimed or cool furnishings and building materials. Eventually, this should become a separate page!

Articles & references