Tully Cottage, photographed from the southwest. Historic Image Anna Hesse in the 1928 Canaras. Address: 173 Broadway

Old Address: 164 Broadway

Other names:

Cure Evidence: SLA1935, PHR1930, TBSBC, TBVA

Year built: 1894

Other information: According to the 1916 TB Directory, the Tully Cottage, run by Mrs. Tully, had room for one patient, and charged $9 Table and $6 Board per week. The January 1931 Sanborn map shows a large frame building at 164 Broadway, close to the road and above a stone retaining wall, just north of the Broadway School, labeled the Tully Cottage and also marked Sanatorium.

Residents: Mrs. Emily Morrow nee Whitman built this house in 1894 and lived there until her death in 1925. Her daughter Francis Morrow who married John Tully and granddaughter were living with her in the 1910 and 1920 Censuses.

Elizabeth Temming Koop stayed at the Tully Cottage on Broadway

In 1950 Isabel S. Malmstrom, age 41, gave 164 Broadway as her local address.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Moody are reported at this address in a 1955 birth announcement.

Other historic properties


2012-10-07 00:16:52   Dorothy Tully Tuttle (1898-1986), daughter of John Tully & Frances Morrow, was my grandmother's 1st cousin. I'd love to contact anyone who knew Dorothy or has photographs or her or her family. E-mail: jonathanindy at gmail dot com. —