Born: November 10, 1904

Died: April 19, 1991

Married: Jack McEnery; Professor Denis Gwynn

Children: Martyn, Mary, Robin and Jacqueline McEnery

Alice Livingston Trudeau was the daughter of Ned Trudeau and Hazel Martyn.  Ned died five months after the marriage, and Hazel married artist John Lavery.

The March 5, 1930 New York Times, covered her wedding in Cannes, France, calling her a daughter of Lady Lavery and step-daughter of Sir John Lavery, the famous painter.  She was married in a thirteenth century church on Suquet Hill in which, in 1815, Napoleon had attended early mass on the morning after his return to France from Elba.  The witnesses of the ceremony were Lord and Lady Derby, Sir Stuart and Lady Coats and Sir Alan and Lady Johnstone.

This is a letter from Francis Berger Trudeau to his niece, Alice Livingston Trudeau McEnery

Dr. F. B. Trudeau
105 Main Street

Saranac Lake. N.Y.


May 8, 1941

Dear Alice.

Thank you so much for your nice newsy letter which arrived safely with a big sticker on the outside "opened by Censor" but not one line was cut out, so I got every bit of your news.

Certainly I was relieved to hear that at least so far the war had not come dangerously near to you, although I have seen in the papers the last few days that the Germans are beginning to drop a few bombs on Ireland just for good measure.    To us over here it seems so inconceivable to think that Ireland can remain neutral on an island the size of the British Isles, which may be invaded any minute by the Germans, who undoubtedly will swarm over your country in hordes if they find it is to their advantage in their attempt to invade England. However, I am a long way off to even talk about these questions with you who live in their midst and probably there is some very good reason.   At any rate, the whole picture certainly does not look any too cheerful at the present time and I feel perfectly confident that it will only be a matter of time before our great nation will be pulled into the struggle.    Certainly, things do not look too bright for the British unless we do something pretty drastic about it.   Just what it will be time only will tell.

I do not remember whether or not I told you in my last letter that Frank is in the Naval Reserve at Yale University and next month expects to go on a two week's cruise on a destroyer as part of his course. We are naturally hoping that he will be allowed to complete one more year to finish his course at Yale which will also complete his course in the Naval Reserve, before he is sent into active duty. However, one can never tell and someday you may find him at your door asking for a meal.

Things in this country seem so quiet and peaceful compared with what you are all going through in England and especially up here in the Adirondacks, if we did not read the papers and listen to the radio, we would not think it possible that a world war was going on.

The snow has finally gone and spring has come to us in its full glory and it is such a relief to be able to run out of doors again without either a hat or coat on and not be frozen as we were for the past four or five months.

I was indeed terribly interested to hear what a large family you have raised and how well they are divided as regards boys and girls. Someday I hope we may all meet for a Trudeau family reunion, for there are so few of us anywhere in the world. However, as you say, if we don't possibly our children may and I only hope that someday this will come about.

We all so loved hearing from you and we want you to know that we all still love you dearly and are all behind you in what you are going through over in your war torn part of the world.

God bless you.

Uncle Francis

