

Married: Irene Langdon


The Reverend Daniel Partridge was pastor of the Methodist Church from 1964 until 1971.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, June 1, 1961

New Methodist Minister Assumes Duties Thursday

The Rev. Daniel Partridge, who was appointed to the Methodist Church of Saranac Lake on May 24, will arrive in Saranac Lake on June 4 to assume his responsibilities as pastor.

Born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island he is a graduate of the Pawtaucket public schools. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Brown University in 1940. He graduated magna cum laude and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. While at Brown he majored in social studies and also was an undergraduate assistant in the astronomy department. He received his bachelor of sacred theology degree from Boston University School of Theology in 1943. He has served churches in the Troy Conference since his graduation.

Mr. Partridge comes from an unusually active church family. His father, mother and sister have held numerous positions in the New England Southern Conference of the church. He was treasurer of the Conference Methodist Youth Fellowship when in high school.

Always active in conference affairs, Mr. Partridge has served eight years on the conference board of missions, eight years on the conference board' of education, four years as conference director of children's work, and nine years on the Skye Farm Commission, most of the time as secretary or chairman. At the present tame he is on the board of ministerial training, committee on rules of order, and chairman of a special committee to study and evaluate the entire summer educational program of the conference and to project future needs.

Mr. Partridge comes to Saranac Lake from a seven-year pastorate at Green Island. While there he served as vice-president of the Methodist Sunday School Association of Troy and Vicinity and was instruments in organizing the Methodist Society of Troy and Vicinity.

Mrs. Partridge is the former Irene Langdon of Kittery, Me. She is a graduate of Boston University and Portsmouth Business School. Before marrying she worked in an insurance office and taught in the Kittery public schools. She has been active in the Woman's Societies of Christian Service and the children's division of the Sunday Schools of the various churches served by her husband. Also, she has been closely associated with him in his work at Skye Farm Methodist Camps since 1945.
