M.C. Meagher Wholesale Retail ICE, Parnell Meagher at the wheel. (undated)
Courtesy of Sean Dobbins
The Meagher Ice Company was operated by Michael C. Meagher. It later expanded into providing coal, and later still, ice cream.  Parnell Meagher and Richard Darrah worked for the company.

"Approximate amount of “natural ice” harvested each year in the 1920s by the Meagher Ice Company of Saranac Lake: 10,000 tons." -- "Adirondack Stats: Ice Harvesting" Adirondack Almanack, December 5, 2010

Plattsburgh Sentinel, July 13, 1923

Roger Denison, 16, of Saranac Lake is suffering from a fractured leg sustained in an accident when the motorcycle he was driving collided with a large ice truck belonging to the Meagher Ice Company.

Malone Evening Telegram, October 29, 1924


A pretty autumn wedding took place Monday morning, October 27, at 7 o'clock in the Church of the assumption, Gabriels, when Richard Darrah, of Saranac Lake, and Alice Strack, of Gabriels were united in marriage. Rev. Father Dumont, of Gabriels, officiating.

The church was prettily decorated for the occasion. The couple were attended by Harry and Olive Strack. brother and sister of the bride.

A portion of the church of the Assumption choir sang the mass. with Rena Strack, another sister of the bride, presiding at the organ. Those who participated in singing the mass were: Louis Strack, the bride's father; Lillian and Catherine Strack, Fred Perry and Marie Dumont. Altar boys were Richard Strack and Raymond Perry.

After the ceremony the bridal party had breakfast at the bride's home, after which the newly-weds left on a brief honeymoon. They will reside in Saranac Lake. Mr. Darrah holds an important position with Meagher Ice Cream Co. of that village.

Lake Placid News, August 4, 1933


Harry R. Ruses:, Plaintiff

against —

Parnell J. Meagher and Raymond E. Meagher, as Executors under the Last Will and Testament of Michael C. Meagher, deceased, Mary Meagher, Economy Food Products Company, Inc., William B. Smith, George L. Starks, William B. Davidson, co-partners trading as Co-Operative Plumbing Company, and Bertha Poggie, Defendants.

TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of a judgment o foreclosure and sale, made and entered in the above action, bearing date the 31st day of August, 1931, and entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Essex, I, the undersigned Referee in said judgment named for that purpose will sell at public auction at the North Elba Town Hall in the Village of Saranac Lake, Essex County, New York, on the 16th day of September, 1933, at ten o'clock E.S.T., in the forenoon of that day, the following described property set forth in said judgment, to wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of St. Armand, County of Essex and State of New York, and is in the south west p&rt of Lot No. 31 of Township Eleven, Old Military Tract and on the east side of Moody Pond (so called) bounded and described as follows; vis.: BEGINNING at a stake set in the ground on the north side of a large... [complete page here.]