Sageman Cottage

Born: August 13, 1918

Ship: M/S Leif

Peder Drageland was one of a group of Norwegian merchant seamen curing in the Sageman Cottage in September of 1942. For a column named "Cottage Calls," The Guild News interviewed him: "On the second floor were Peter [sic: Peder] Drageland, Bjorn Sarvaag, and John Swenson. On May 2, 1942, Mr. Sarvaag was torpedoed off the West Indies. The German torpedo struck their boat amidships and set afire their cargo of oil. Several of the men were badly burned, and the German officer generously gave them salve and dressing for their wounds. Seventeen hours later they were picked up by an American vessel."

Records show that he also stayed at Stony Wold Sanatorium.