This page does not generate automatically when a new flag is added, so be sure to add new flags to this page as well. See also the Includes and All Flags entries for details about these types of flags.

[[include()]] Flags


Unable to include AboutReviews


For pages that are obviously copied/pasted from another website

Unable to include Copy/Paste


Unable to include DepartedBusiness


To mark the page as needing a fact checked, can be used right near the statement

Unable to include FactCheck


For pages regarding medical professionals, whom are bound by health practitioner / patient regulations

Medical Professionals are limited by HIPAA as to what information they can make public about their patients, including who their patients are. As such it is very hard for Doctors, Dentists, and Psychiatrists to respond to negative comments on the wiki. Please keep this in mind while reading any comments.


For pages where the comments contain useful information that should be integrated into the main article

Unable to include IntegrateComments


For pages or subjects that no longer exist (preferably, use the 'Departed Business' flag instead)

Unable to include NoLongerExists


For pages that overwhelmingly represent a single-sided point of view or bias

Unable to include Overwhelmed


This article is in need of a Photo.To add an image to this page, click "Edit" then click the "Files" button.


To mark pages apparently not related to your City

Unable to include Relevance


For pages with very little information

This entry is a seed, a starting point for writing a full entry. You can help Wiki by expanding it! Just click the "Edit" button.


For pages with multiple reviews that appear to be posted by the same person (or ISP number) but under different names

Unable to include SockPuppet



A parody of the 'Disambiguation' flag

Unable to include ambiguation


Unable to include apathy