In addition to this organized page, there is an automatically generated list of dentists page. If you find anything there, it should probably also be listed here.

Dentists! Brush twice daily, floss, and visit your dentist at least every six months... more frequently as you age and wither. Dentistry within the US tends to take a primarily preventive approach, while dentistry in other countries is typically more corrective; there are probably both economic and cultural reasons for this, but international visitors may want to keep in mind that preventive health care (including vision care) is often covered by employee insurance. If you have any questions about a dentist, look them up in the state's list of dental licenses.

A list of local dentists seems to be at and you can also see reviews of local dentists on Yelp and Google.

In case you were wondering, fluoride is added to the municipal water in Peterborough. Supposedly more than half of US municipalities add fluoride to their water supply to help reduce the risk of tooth decay among citizens. You can read about the debate a bit on Wikipedia.

Note that some categories, such as cosmetic and family dentistry are primarily marketing terms — most general dentists can and do perform the same procedures as those who market themselves using these terms. For a list and explanation of specialties recognized by the ADA please visit


DDS translates as "Doctor of Dental Surgery" and is the same professional qualification as DMD

DMD translates as "Dentariae Medicinae Doctor" (Doctor of Dental Medicine) and is simply a doctor's degree in dental medicine (DMD is the typical degree from east coast schools, where DDS is common of west coast/ mid west dental schools.)

Oral Surgeons are dentists or physicians with advanced training to perform surgical procedures on the face and jaw; these typically require sedation and include extractions, implants and jaw surgeries

Endodontists specialize in root canals

Family Dentistry refers to a practice that is aware of and attends to the needs of patients of all ages, from toddlers, teens and adults to seniors

Orthodontists specialize in the prevention and correction of dental irregularities, such as crooked teeth

Periodontists specialize in diseases of the gums and other structures surrounding the teeth, they also perform many surgeries such as gum grafts and implant placement.

Prosthodontists specialize in designing and fabricating complex removable and/or fixed appliances to replace missing teeth.

General/Family Dentistry

Specialized Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentists

(Please note that cosmetic dentistry is not a specialty recognized by the ADA)

Oral Surgeons



Pediatric Dentists


Web Resources

Other listings of Peterborough dentists out on the web include which lists local dentists and which lists Peterborough region orthodontists

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