The Motley Tones

Pirate Singing Band

Back Row, L to R: Fires, Copper, Ring, and Bell Tone.
Front Row: Flintz, and Half Tone

The Motley Tones washed ashore at the Blackbeard Festival in 2010. Today, they live in the Great Inland Seaport of Raleigh, NC and have abandoned their piratical ways for more melodious pursuits. They have emerged as the most popular pirate singing group in the region. They sing a wide variety of delightfully harmonious and oft-times amusing sea shanties and have become a popular local street show. 

This dynamic group will sing madrigals for the king by day, pub songs for the hoi polloi by night, with love songs & sailor songs all the day long. Don’t be surprised if you get “roped into” some of their antics on stage and off. Be sure to bring the wee ones for the sing-alongs.  See them at your nearest Pirate festival.

Performance dates are always listed on their main website and news can be found on their Facebook page.

Website / Facebook

Main Website

 Facebook Page

GigSalad Page

e-mail: info(at)