What do you know about NC DataPalooza Open Data Bootcamp 2014?

Group 1 Brainstorming

Totally Illegal ideas - do not do any of these...

  • Use data for Racial Profiling - "Red line" neighborhoods for hiring or insurance premiums
  • Publish Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Use data to directly market pills, etc.
  • Manipulate data in a totally misleading way

Good to great ideas!

  • Market analysis - correlate health indicators to premiums
  • App that allows a patient to be cost conscious on a proactive basis
  • Correlate education to health care levels
  • Correlate length of time spent with a patient to clinical outcome
  • Identify opportunities to reach an under served community - Add services (eg. Food deserts)
  • Universal quality of life indicators
  • Crowd sourced actual medical cost information and location - Compare listed vs. actual
  •  App that shows availability of service by bed/doctor availability
  • Stats on outcome of type of procedure vs. provider
  • Collect stats to justify cost of procedure, device/procedure code - Sell to hospitals and device providers?
  • Gamification app
    • Incent people to join a medical study
    • Incent people to do healthier things (eg. for discount on insurance)
  • Analysis of readmission data vs. discharge data. What creates successful outcomes on discharge?

Group 2 Brainstorming


The rising healthcare costs from care delivery to genetic testing

The need for meaningful resources towards preventive health and wellness 

Lack of integration to actionable data analytical tools at -consumer, provider, payor plan, clinical trials

Data residing in silos within organizations

Lack of data visualization tools to learn trends, patterns, etc.

Minimal supportive resources for organ donors and transplant patient situations

Social, Emotional and Financial supportive resources for veterans seeking to access to care, quality, etc


Desire for more price transparency across the board

anonymous patient and consumer based data sharing 

security, privacy protection and fraud analytics to patient, provider, and other 3rd party organizations

Targeted alternative therapy opportunities specific to niche population segments such as veterans, over 65+, social workers and applied to other areas

Increase data analytic tools around genomic testing, socioeconomic factors and costs

Ways to utilize SGHIx - Self Generated Health Information Exchange

Innovative Designs with Patients


Big Data analytics 

Wearable devices 

Mobile applications 


Reduce Cost

Patients, Providers, Payor Plans seeking more information on specific diseases 


Policy Regulations

Leading with Tech vs. firm understanding of targeted market and customer

Entrenched Mindsets at all levels

Dominant target stockholder vs. sharing resources to collaborate with domain expert, patient and tech as a tool

Additional regulations in US for genetic testing, donor banking, etc vs. other emerging markets


Group 3 Brainstorming


Group 4 Brainstorming:

Some of the themes from brainstorming were:

  • How to incorporate personal health data (and the holes that may exist in that) with public health data?
    One aspect is personal improvement (eg; fitbit and comparison with the community). There is more than just "weightloss"
    Another aspect is health /financial empowerment - personalized outcomes, where are the cheapest places for operation X, etc.
    Personalized health decisions / recommendations.
  • How to promote community health?
    Also: What types of community - caregivers, self, local, state, etc.)
    What types of incentives to provide (and what are the possible un-intended consequences?)
  • Looking for "hotspots" or "problem areas" in the public data


Group 5 Brainstorming

[add notes here]

Facilitator: Reid Serozi

Group 6 Brainstorming

Facilitator: Allyson Sutton


Idea 1: physician connectivity (practice to practice), and barriers to entry such as faxing immunization records -- can we use data to develop a more efficient system of communication between practices and patient to doctor communication? (one example is the I-Triage app) 

Idea 2: Looking at health from a broader perspective 

  • NC 10% campaign, farmers markets and local food -- how do these contribute to health, lower health costs per county? 
  • Consolidate county and state data so you could overlay food desert maps with food market maps to increase accessibility 
  • Census data, location-based data, socioeconomic data
  • Pedestrian and bike crashes, DOT data - most are on local roads - can we use this data to encourage bike lanes and encourage healthy, responsible behavior?

Idea 3: Epidemiology and reportable diseases

  • Mapping out flu deaths in NC and linking to flu prevention campaign, clinics to get flu shots, etc 

Idea 4: Wake Co. ranks worse than NC in alcohol-impaired driving deaths

  • education campaign
  • location- based app that's triggered when you leave a bar 
  • ride-share reminder - could incentivize business owners to buy into ride-share or encourage downloads of the app

Idea 5: Childhood obesity 

  • could we develop a gaming / rewards app (like JouleBug for sustainability or a "healthy Foursquare) that would encourage healthy behavior in kids
  • partnerships with private sector -- major cell carriers pre-loading the app onto their low-priced smartphones 

Idea 6: access to health services

  • location-based app that tells you where clinics are, helps get in touch with emergency responders, etc. 
  • where are there data boundaries that need to be broken down? (ex: fire departments are in different counties, but will put out fires wherever needed. data is not like this - county by county) 

Idea 7: Corporate wellness 


Group 7 Brainstorming


 Product to push notifications to self manage or change bad behaviors & reward good behaviors(gamify) geomaps
Avatar the individual - change w/ behaviors

Maintain consistent healthy life style - health & wellness
Eating & motion & opportunities

motivation for healthy behaviors ( group subscriptions & contests)
link to rewards; companies companies like Whole foods as advertisement op./access to customers
add in data sources to show healthy foods, where to exercise
track behaviors & drive to recipe sites
Active Avatar shows + and - cause & effects
Avatar "selfie" that changes every day
Bit strips - not tied to actual activities
link "challenged" bad locations with education info
partner w/ county who is more at risk and where they are

disparities(age, race, gender, job type) linked to healthy behaviors
utilization of social media in up in most demo groups 
can we link to healthy behaviors???
people catalog & post their lives

Getting started with healthy behaviors
food deserts
entrenched mentality
market saturated????

ID or tag yourself at various locations where  link to tax data for owners  acquire rights setup farmers markets
manage food trucks use sensors to track so people know when it is coming

food deserts lack of availability (urban & rural) & truck 
increase activities
improves community, move from blight, quality of life
People don't know how to get started - provide access to renting vehicles, people with land, trucks,, food get introduced to neighborhoods, areas in need
customer satisfaction

pop up farmer's market
shared gardening
start ups for growing food connected to areas
of need for pop up markets (PUM)
track your favorite pum provider
order on internet & truck brings food in or delivers
collect & provide info, push update
App can setup location, get tools you need link to customers 
schedule & automate promotion

Food trucks
Farmer's markets
# of people growing food(urban farming)

Regulations associated w/ selling food
need to engage Ag dept
meat & seafood more regulated