RSVP Volunteer

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) allows people who are 55 and older to contribute their time and talent to nearly 40 community agencies and organizations in Raleigh and Wake County.

Volunteers serve in museums, health care centers, schools, libraries, nutrition centers, law enforcement offices and other settings. Many volunteers say their RSVP placements help to keep them active and feeling young. Benefits include mileage reimbursement, supplemental accident and liability insurance while volunteering,

Many agencies are eager for the service of RSVP volunteers. The City of Raleigh Community Services Department can help you find a meaningful volunteer opportunity based on your interests, hobbies and background. Call the Community Services Department at 919-996-6295 to learn more.

RSVP is part of the Senior Corps, a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service.