Gayle McLaughlin (born 1952 in Chicago Illinois) is a California politician. She is a member of the Green Party and, since 2006, the mayor of Richmond California. McLaughlin was elected on November 7, 2006 by a 242-vote margin over incumbent mayor Irma A. Anderson Richmond is, as of 2009, the largest city in the country with a Green Party mayor In 2014, she was elected to a city council seat after being  Termed out of the mayor's office.

McLaughlin is a social activist who has participated in the Peace, Social justice, civil rights, and Environmental  movements. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, with graduate study in psychology and education.

She was first elected to the City Council in 2004, winning one of five open seats, with 11,191 votes or 10% in 2004 She has lived in Richmond since 2001