Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (916) 376-8915 Provides free, unbiased information to help clients understand their rights and assist them in finding resources to cover their health needs. Does not sell, endorse, or recommend any specific insurance.

CaliforniaKids (818) 755-9700 Access to primary and preventive health care services for uninsured children.

Medi-Cal Intake (Call 2-1-1 for site nearest you) Assistance in meeting health care expenses for eligible persons or families.

Birth & Beyond Family Resource Centers (Call 2-1-1 for a FRC near you) Free and voluntary family support home visitation and Family Resource Center services. Focuses on primary caregiver and children, but also encompasses the needs of the whole family. Parenting groups, nutrition information, budgeting, health, immunizations, child development, community resources, and plays and grow groups. Eight sites throughout the Sacramento area. All sites have Family Resource Centers where parents and children can access resources, join groups, and seek assistance.

Terra Nova (916) 344-0249 Counseling for children, adolescents, adults and families. Treatment programs for sexual, physical and emotional abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, family and couples issues, parent-child/teen relationships, divorce and remarriage, and family communication.

Carmichael Presbyterian Counseling Center (916) 483-2989 Treatment services for individuals, couples, families, and adolescents. Therapy for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trauma, addictive-compulsive behavior, marital and family difficulties, and bereavement.

Martin's Counseling Center (916) 338-1001 Resource for families and individuals looking for support and assistance in improving their lives and the lives of their children. Offers a variety of classes and counseling services.

Nia, Birthing Project Clinic (916) 558-4800 Comprehensive prenatal clinic housed in a women's resource center. Perinatal and well women's health care, on site Medi-Cal eligibility worker, substance abuse relapse prevention counseling services, parenting education support, teen pregnancy prevention, and family planning.

This article is a Naked List, and needs content added to it so it's more than just a list.