The Passport to Summer and Your Future information fair provides one-stop shopping for various programs in the Sacramento area.  This year’s event will reflect the challenges our community is facing during these tough economic times. We will still showcase organizations offering information on summer, afterschool and enrichment programs.  The Fair will also offer information on education, vocational training, internship and apprenticeship opportunities, and family resources for both youth and adults alike.

In 2012, it will be held on Saturday, April 28 at the Oak Park Community Center from 1pm - 4pm.

It was launched by Darrell Steinberg in 2002 when he was in the Assembly, and he continued it when he came to the Senate. (It was run for two years by Roger Dickinson between Steinberg's Assembly and Senate stints.)

Organizations interested in having a table/booth at the fair should contact Diana Cowan or Lori Catalano at 916-651-1529.