Pleasure Point Location East Side Eatery Santa Cruz Location

4000 Portola Drive, Suite C

Santa Cruz, CA  95062-5235

800 41st Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA  95062-4421

1415 Pacific Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA  95060-3910

Hours Hours Hours
11 am - 10 pm 

Mon-Fri: 11 am - 10 pm

Sat-Sun: 9 am - 10 pm

Opening soon.
Phone Phone Phone
(831) 475-4999 (831) 431-6058 (831) xxx-xxxx
Established Eastablished Established
1975. 2010.  
Derek Rupp.
Payment Method
Cash, Check, Credit/Debit Card


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2007-03-13 14:26:06   The pizza place in Watsonville where Pleasure Pizza used to be is now called Hugo's. The pizza is significantly different, but still tasty. —GregSmith