Mission Statement
We are committed to offering childcare resources to grassroots organizations composed of and led by m/others who face multiple oppressions, primarily by providing competent and politicized childcare to low/no income immigrant m/others and m/others of color.
Core Member Encian Pastel: (510) 827-0443
[email protected]

The Bay Area Childcare Collective is a a group of volunteers that provide childcare in the interest of creating a movement that prioritizes and values the voices and political agendas of women and mothers, especially women of color, low-income women, and immigrants. In addition to directly providing free childcare to organizations that serve these communities, they also consult with organizations about setting up childcare of their own, and are typically willing to lead workshops training people in childcare for their organization. 

Organizations BACC currently provides childcare to

  • POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights), a membership organization of low- and no-wage workers who work on economic justice issues.
  • La Colectiva de Mujeres / The Women’s Collective of the San Francisco Day Labor Program, a collective of women workers.
  • Causa Justa :: Just Cause, a multi-racial, grassroots organization building community leadership to achieve justice for low-income San Francisco and Oakland residents.
  • LeftRoots, a national formation of social movement organizers and activists who want to connect grassroots struggles to a strategy to win liberation for all people and the planet. (BACC works with the Bay Area branch.)
  • While they are currently usually only able to provide childcare to the above organizations, they provide childcare to other organizations on a case-by-case basis. 

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