Artists: Carol Paulsen and Stephen Plowman

In 2004, Mr. Bill Beeson, a “pillar of the local arts community” passed away after a brief illness. Mr. Beeson was a highly respected art critic who tirelessly supported public art and served for years on the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council’s Art in Public Places Committee. Bee Bee Works His Magic is a 3’ x 3’6” x 12’ tall sculptural presentation that embraces the spirit of Bill Beeson’s life and his boundless energy as an advocate and mentor for the arts in all forms. The sculpture features three figures balancing on each other. The figure on the bottom lends his strength to his fellow artist (Mr. Beeson had a soft spot in his heart for women in the arts) and has his ear toward the book, representing his deep love for literature and story. The figure on the top, delicately balanced with the help of her friends, has her head tilted to the sky waiting to hear Mr. Beeson’s infectious laughter bounce off the stars and back down to earth.