This web-site is the brain child of staff at the Tallahassee Democrat, our local newspaper.  It was started by Executive Editor Bob Gabordi, and offers community members an opportunity to share individual walking/running goals with the rest of the community.  A simple act like walking or jogging can change your life.  You have more energy, are happier, are able to focus, and the exercise has a positive effect on life and health.  It's an opportunity for people to connect with others interested in walking/running.  The basic goal of the web site is to promote health, get folks moving, and cheering each other on. Bikers and swimmers can track their mileage on the site, also.

You can read blogs on the web site, and send comments, or you can e-mail Bob Gabordi at [email protected]

For other sites to visit re walking/running/cycling/hiking visit the pages on WIKI entitled Florida Trail, Parks and Trails, Community Centers and Sports Programs, Pump It Up, Vitamin N (our state parks), Paddling Trails, Forests, St. Marks Trails, Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail.

We have a wealth of outdoor activities available.  And, if outdoors in the summer isn't your thing, both of our local malls are open for indoor walking, with a/c and music.

Just get out and go!!!!!