Odds and Ends of stuff, facts and figures.

Tallahassee was incorporated on Dec. 9, 1825.  It is about 99 square miles in area.

The population was 172,554 in 2008.  Experts predict that we will grow to about 191,500 by 2020.

Tallahassee was the only Confederate capital east of the Mississippi river that was not taken by the Union army.

Our Capitol is the tallest building in the city.  It is one of eight capitol buildings in the US with an observation area. 

We are the only municipality in Leon County.  About 64 % of us live within the city limits.  We have rejected consolidating the city and county into one entity on four occasions.

We have the only documented site in our country that  is associated with the Hernando de Soto expedition.  He and his troops wintered in our city, where the Governor Martin house is .



Please add other facts and figures!