First Saturday of each month is when you can get out and explore one of our incredible parks with a group of like-minded individuals.  These walks grew out of the Move.Tallahassee.com web-site.  This site was launched to help our community get stronger and healthier.  Scott Maddox, one of our city commissioners, and Bob Gabordi, editor, Tallahassee Democrat, worked together to develop the Walk-About concept.  It is a way for folks to meet and greet, along with kids, and dogs are welcome also.  Each walk is between 3-4 miles, and will take about an hour and a half out of your Saturday morning.  They begin about 8 am, and follow the trails within the park selected.  Check the Democrat during the last week of the month for info re which park will be explored.  You can also visit the Move. Tallahassee.com social media site.  Join us during these First Saturdays of the month, and learn more about our beautiful parks. You'll work out your stress, get healthier, and find it really is a lot of fun to meet new people, pet the dogs, and play with the kids.

And, if you want more than once a month, visit www.floridatrail.org/apalachee chapter  They do a Wednesday after work walk-about at local parks, greenways, during the spring through summer.  They move to communities with good street lights such as Southwood, Myers Park, and even Connor Blvd during the winter months when darkness comes earlier. .  Their walk-abouts range from 3.5 miles to about 4 miles, and they follow a decent pace.  Again, dogs and kids are welcome, just keep up the pace.  They usually begin around 5:30 pm, and try to have locations where there are facilities, and places to change shoes.  Again---come join us and get re-energized!!!