United way of the Big Bend have compiled a few reasons why we need to volunteer. Volunteers can help you to explore your interests. Volunteering can be an opportunity to learn more about something you enjoy doing. Meet people you might not ordinarily meet. By volunteering in a group, you'll meet people with the same interests you have. Volunteer activities add clue to work resumes and college applications. College admission staff want to know who you are as a person. They are looking for well rounded individuals who will give their best both within and outside the classroom. It's fun! People who volunteer often say they get more out of the experience than theft give. Giving of your time and energy makes you feel good about yourself and raises your self esteem. You're sharing tour talents and knowledge with others. You have skills, talents, knowledge, experience, personality, and passion. Each of us is unique and has something to share with others. You're advancing the common good. Sometimes we look at the way the world is and think " this isn't the way things are supposed to be". Bt volunteering, you can help make a positive change in the world. What thoughts can you add to these...